Subtitle: interactive 3D video installation Year: 2011 Length: 00:20:00 Categories: Installation, spatial installation, Video Art, video installation, video installation
Project type: Seminarprojekt
´expanded view´ is an experimental 3D video installation recorded with stereoscopic digital camera and two microphones. The red-cyan masks are molded from the face of the artist. They are used to view the 3D video. The windows of the exhibition space are covered with red cyan film. Stereoscopic 3D video projection in the middle of the windows is recorded on a central street in the city of Wuppertal. The camera (artist’s perspective) is static and placed in the middle of the street. Passers-by walk around the camera. Created as part of the KHM seminar 'living Avatar’ with Professors Hörner/Antlfinger.'
Prof. Ute Hörner, Prof. Mathias Antlfinger, Martina Mrongovius
Hyung-Jun Park
A production of the Academy of Media Arts Cologne.
Klanken Contemporary Music and Art Festival Maastricht 2011 (13.04.2011 - 16.04.2011) Bienenstich ist aus (feature film, 2009, 00:15:44) by Sarah Winkenstette In Particular (experimental film, 2010, 00:08:00) by Nicole Wegner expanded view (video installation, 2011, 00:20:00) by Hyung-Jun Park To Be Continued (experimental film, 2009, 00:03:18) by Nicole Wegner Free Slave (animation film, 2010, 00:07:58) by Pauline Flory