Subtitle: Nobody can be like me. Year: 2011 Categories: Text / Book / Print, book project, Painting / Drawing, drawing
Project type: 1. Projekt
""Charme Chulo"" is a project presented as comic book, animation, street art and video. It is about ""freaks"" and weird people. All of it is part of the same theme and project. In the comic book, there is a series of stories separated by 4 characters presented together with an animation. The characters are featured as ""freaks"" and the stories tell us about the psychological characteristics and life of each one. In the street art, there are many different characters that are exposed in the streets and this experience is documented through a book and video
Olivier Arcioli, Prof. Raimund Krumme, Prof. Zilvilas Lilas
A production of the Academy of Media Arts Cologne.