Year: 2013 Length: 00:04:55 Categories: Film / TV / Video, essay, documentary
Project type: Seminarprojekt
A filmic essay on political and mental leadership, on the staging of the single strong man in Turkish public, on how 15 minutes can be 13 minutes, on responsibility and how one single person affects a fixed system in Istanbul.
Idee und Realisation: Martin Paret Sprecher: Taner Sahintürk Skriptberatung: Nadine Schwitter Schnittberatung: Angelika Herta, Deren Ercenk Tonmischung: Ralf Schipke
Prof. Thomas Schmitt, Solveig Klaßen
Martin Paret
A production of the Academy of Media Arts Cologne.
Kasseler Dokumentarfilm- und Videofest 2013 (12.11.2013 - 17.11.2013) a matter of fact (experimental film, 2013, 00:10:05) by Roshanak Zangeneh To be a B-girl (documentary, 2013, 00:20:00) by Yasmin Angel Reign of Silence (video work, 2013, 00:07:00) by Lukas Marxt Do you know Atatürk? (essay, 2013, 00:04:55) by Martin Paret CROP (documentary, 2013, 00:47:08) by Johanna Domke