Year: 2014 Length: 00:29:47 Categories: Film / TV / Video, feature film
A worldwide epidemic breaks out, which affects only women and leads to death after a few weeks. Aided by her husband Konstantin, Valeria flees to the South, after showing symptoms of the deadly disease. In a small cottage by the country, they wait for her death.
Regie: Facundo V. Scalerandi Kamera: Jakob Beurle Schauspiel: Larisa Faber, Paul Walther Produktion: Jakob Beurle Drehbuch: Facundo V. Scalerandi und Jakob Beurle Szenenbild: Johnny Haussmann Musik: Michael Haves Sounddesign: Pirmin Punke Ton: Marcel Lenz Farbkorrektur: Fabiana Cardalda Oberbeleuchter: Paul Faltz Schnitt: Jakob Beurle Tonmischung: Ralf Schipke VFX: Sebastian Natto
Prof. Sophie Maintigneux, Prof. Frank Döhmann
Jakob Beurle
Facundo V. Scalerandi
A production of the Academy of Media Arts Cologne.
Internationale Hofer Filmtage 2014 (21.10.2014 - 26.10.2014) Hausbesuche (feature film, 2014, 00:33:27) by Claudia Linke Silence behind the Sound (feature film, 2014, 00:27:30) by Robert Windisch by Jakob Beurle Reina (feature film, 2014, 00:29:47) by Jakob Beurle by Facundo V. Scalerandi