Year: 2015 Length: 00:12:00 Categories: Film / TV / Video, documentary
Project type: Vordiplom
The short documentary ""(m)eat reality"" shows the process of slaughter. Opposed to several animal rights documentaries which often point out the cruel facts of slaughter, ""(m)eat reality"" serves the purpose by showing the slaughter in an aesthetic way. In these days of enormous consumption of meat, slaughter still is something that nobody wants to see. The film does not want to put people off, but it wants to point out the reality that stands behind meat. Throughout its calm and chronological exploration of the slaughter the film creates a naturalness, which makes it possible to see slaughter as a part of the meat you buy. The use of 16mm film material, which creates an aesthetic atmosphere, emphasizes the naturalness of the slaughter. That is when MEAT becomes REALITY.
Regie, Kamera, Schnitt: Sophie Dettmar Ton: Chantal Bergemann Kameraassistenz: Anna Miklitz Tonmischung: Ralf Schipke Farbkorrektur: Ewald Hentze
Prof. Dietrich Leder, Solveig Klaßen
Sophie Dettmar
A production of the Academy of Media Arts Cologne.