German title: DIE BRÜCKE Subtitle: 12 mal 12 Year: 2016 Length: 12:00:00 Categories: Performance / Exhibition / Stage , performance
Project type: 1. Projekt
Near 'Bunker 101' in Köln-Ehrenfeld, a performance took place taking into consideration the conditions of the place and its history. During 12 hours, 12 dust samples were collected in 12 different places, obtaining a total of 144 samples that were taken to the Hochbunker. Each place of performance became a place of control. The dust samples were organized in a projection that became darker as the day progressed. A video-documentation of each performance was placed like an accumulation too. Each Performance-Happening had a duration of exactly 5 minutes in order to obtain at the end of the day 1 hour.
Idee und Realisation: David Fernando Camargo Herrer
Prof. Mischa Kuball
David Fernando Camargo Herrera
A production of the Academy of Media Arts Cologne.