Artistic work students

35 Jahre Kunsthochschule für Medien Köln
Prof. Mischa Kuball
Prof. Hans W. Koch
Luis Negrón van Grieken
Project type: Diplom
A production of the Academy of Media Arts Cologne.
Archiv Kunsthochschule für Medien Köln
Copyright: KHM / Autoren


  • Ali Chakav
Year: 2018
Categories: Sound / Music, sound installation, concert
Project type: Diplom
The pedestrian becomes the way with the behavior of the mind, and the mind of the way would be the behavior of the pedestrian. The mind's room overlaps the sounds and the transference of the sounds changes the dimensions of the room. The segregated room of the mind has a collective echoic memory. Being omnidirectional with ears that don't just hear but are creating diverse concepts in the enigmatic angles of the mind. Sound events and incidents of sounds. The computing system of incidents and the incidents that computes us. Creating words and attracting the vocabulary of the sounds surround us in combination with your mind. And your mind means our mind. The violation of the distance between two ears in a head. Your ears and my ears are moving at variable intervals. The city has many ears, And the sound particles disappear at indefinite intervals. Sound/words fly in the Encyclopedia of the mind. The circle that breaks, a circle that becomes a line. Straight and spherical sounds from the city's source that it reaches or does not reach the listener's creatures ears. Urban sounds are inherently random! Movement of the particles of matter and sound, spreading. The city moves in my head. I see the speed of the city's sounds in my heads room and I hear the density of the molecules. What do we hear when we hear the sound of each other's minds? When two sounds spread in two heads. When the spreading sounds hit each other, How is the third sound? When the voices of cities spin around in their heads and blend in with our inner sounds, our hearing world is angled, like the sound inside me at the angles of this building. What do we hear?
Idee und Realisation: Ali Chakav
Live-Aufnahme: Tobias Hartmann
Licht und Organistaion: Navid Razavi
Dokumentation: Martin Paret
Ausstellungstext: Shabnam Azar
Übersetzung: Hamid Rahimi
Prof. Mischa Kuball, Prof. Hans W. Koch, Luis Negrón van Grieken
  • Ali Chakav
A production of the Academy of Media Arts Cologne.
Archiv Kunsthochschule für Medien Köln
Copyright: KHM / Autoren
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