An anonymous French poet once said there is someone in the wind. And a korean poet, Kim kyung joo, said that wind is alive fossil. After disappearance of all living things, he still remains himself alive and roams everywhere. As movement of the wind has vitality, it is vibrant particle of air, and it is an attempt to surround one’s spirit via air fabric. This air fabric stimulates breathing human to evolve oneself with its vitality and elasticity. My work shows covered pattern through wind and it shows vitality of wind with its intangible and glowing movement. Its event occurs in dynamic but also fragile ways and attempts to surpass its limit of action in depth. This action is groups of unconstrained air fabric as well as its energy of movement. Kurzinfo / Synopsis englisch: An anonymous French poet once said there is someone in the wind. and A korean poet Kim kyung joo said that wind is alive fossil. After disappearance of all living things, he still remains himself alive and roams everywhere. As movement of the wind has vitality, it is vibrant particle of air, and it is an attempt to surround one’s spirit via air fabric. This air fabric stimulates breathing human to evolve oneself with its vitality and elasticity. My work shows covered pattern through wind and it shows vitality of wind with its intangible and glowing movement. Its event occurs in dynamic but also fragile ways and attempts to surpass its limit of action in depth. This action is groups of unconstrained air fabric as well as its energy of movement.
Idee und Realisation: Son Deha
Prof. Johannes Wohnseifer
A production of the Academy of Media Arts Cologne.