Artistic work students

35 Jahre Kunsthochschule für Medien Köln
Prof. Dietrich Leder
Beate Middeke
Prof. Melissa de Raaf
Prof. Thomas Bauermeister
Project type: 2. Projekt
A production of the Academy of Media Arts Cologne.
Archiv Kunsthochschule für Medien Köln
Copyright: KHM / Autoren

Solange Sie noch Arme haben

Cover image of the project As Long As You Still Have Arms
  • Luisa Bäde
English title: As Long As You Still Have Arms
Year: 2019
Length: 01:32:30
Categories: Film / TV / Video, documentary
Project type: 2. Projekt
A studio room. Puppets. Frank Karbstein. Reminiscent, reflective, playful, narrating. The 1980s of the GDR – the group around the puppeteer Frank is arrested for distributing pacifistic leaflets. After being sentenced to imprisonment, the defendants are offered the opportunity to go to the West through a secret buy out of political prisoners. Frank stays. But the question remains: Who betrayed them? Different truths and memories stand side by side. In the center of this is a person who never tries to act from the mindset of a victim and who shows his very own personal way of dealing with the GDR dictatorship.
Buch und Regie: Luisa Bäde
Bildgestaltung: Jule Katinka Cramer, Hannah Platzer
Art Director: Santiago Alvarez
Puppenbau: Bruno Belil Espinos, Francisco Lopez Martinez
Montage: Renan Laviano
Zusatzmontage: Nicole Schmeier
Sounddesign: Holger Buff, Henry Uhl
Tonmeister: Lukas Soboll
Tonmischung: Janis Ahnert
Farbkorrektur: Fabiana Cardalda
Grafikdesign: Jan Marco Schmitz
Regieassistenz: Birgit Bauer
Kameraassistenz und DIT: Chantal Bergemann
Oberbeleuchter/in: Michael Hinze, Laura Hansen
Beleuchterin: Chantal Bergemann, Augustina Sanchez Gavier
Aufnahmeleitung: Corinna Hermanns
Runner: Moritz Wimmer
Szenenbildassistenz und Vorbau: Angi Häuser, Thomas Reul, Leonie Damm, Moritz Wimmer, Kendy Garcia, Jens Kaulen, Lea Weirich, Jozsef Kacsor
Innenrequisite: Jemina Milano
Puppenkostüm: Francisco Lopez Martinez, Santiago Alvarez, Sophie Sanchez, Birgit Bauer, Jozsef Kacsor
Produktion: Kunsthochschule für Medien Köln und Luisa Bäde
Prof. Dietrich Leder, Beate Middeke, Prof. Melissa de Raaf, Prof. Thomas Bauermeister
  • Luisa Bäde
A production of the Academy of Media Arts Cologne.
Archiv Kunsthochschule für Medien Köln
Copyright: KHM / Autoren
Cover image of the project As Long As You Still Have Arms
Gallery image of the project As Long As You Still Have Arms
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