Artistic work students

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Prof. Mischa Kuball
Project type: 2. Projekt
A production of the Academy of Media Arts Cologne.
Archiv Kunsthochschule für Medien Köln
Copyright: KHM / Autoren

halb träumend/halb wachend

  • Constantin Leonhard
English title: half dreaming / half watching
Year: 2019
Length: 02:00:00
Categories: Performance / Exhibition / Stage , exhibition, happening
Project type: 2. Projekt
During the two-hour performance half dreaming / half watching Constantin Leonhard gently blows five and ten Euro notes over the floor. The almost tender handling and a vocabulary of specially developed movements open space for associations. Although money is used in a performative situation, it always remains money in the reflection of the work: it is a real material that can only be abstracted with difficulty or freed from its real meaning. Slowly the carpet spreads out on bills and successively firmly anchored social mechanisms come to light. As the money reaches further and further into the room and lies at the feet of those present, interactions accumulate. Questions about power, society and origin are raised. Constantin Leonhard's concentrated and stoic attitude leads through the length of the performance to a deep emotionality that clearly points to the problematic position of the material and criticizes social structures.
Idee und Realisation: Constantin Leonhard
Critical Witnesses: Anja Plonka, Andreas Nigl, Boris Maximov
Prof. Mischa Kuball
  • Constantin Leonhard
A production of the Academy of Media Arts Cologne.
Archiv Kunsthochschule für Medien Köln
Copyright: KHM / Autoren
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