To give expression to the indescribable, the unspeakable, and to create images of it, is a fundamental human need. For this I use the source of improvisation, which I understand as an encounter with the unknown in me and thus as a space for unpredictable potentials - immanent and transcendent. Improvised movements and dream-texts guided by light serve me as a vehicle for a journey to myself. I allow uncertainty, make myself vulnerable. The basis of my research is the movement practice of Amerta Movement from Java, closely linked to meditation styles, as well as the legacy of my grandmother Ree-Curta (1919-2017) in the form of collages, letters and books. She accompanies me on my journey and in the creation of my performance. As a connoisseur of mysticism, for me understandable as a common sense of religions, as reconciliation and freedom, she lets me draw from a rich, living life archive.
Dramaturgie: Franziska Schneeberger Licht: Jan Widmer Design Objekte: Rejane Radschinski
Prof. Mischa Kuball, Daniel Burkhardt, Prof. Dr. Lilian Haberer
Constantin Leonhard
A production of the Academy of Media Arts Cologne.