Artistic work students

35 Jahre Kunsthochschule für Medien Köln
Prof. Sebastian Richter
Prof. Frank Döhmann
Prof. Dr. Peter Bexte
Prof. Didi Danquart
Carina Neubohn
A production of the Academy of Media Arts Cologne.
External cooperation:
Gefördert durch Nordmedia
Archiv Kunsthochschule für Medien Köln
Copyright: KHM / Autoren


  • Philipp Künzli
  • Renate Mihatsch
  • Immanuel Esser
English title:
Year: 2020
Length: 01:20:00
Categories: Film / TV / Video, feature film
Synopsis: For the three workers of the company “Styx“ it is everyday business: living in the company van and driving overland to get from one place and time of death to the next – terminating people, packaging them and sending them off. They live a monotone life doing their daily chores for a society that developed a pain-free system for people’s passings. Suddenly, the three find themselves confronted with their own termination and start to question and bend the rules of their world. In a world where death has become a private service company, three workers rebel against their own mortality. For the three workers of the company “Styx“ it is everyday business: living in the company van and driving overland to get from one place and time of death to the next – terminating people, packaging them and sending them off. They live a monotone life doing their daily chores for a society that developed a painfree system for people’s passings. Suddenly, the three find themselves confronted with their own termination and start to question and bend the rules of their world.
Regie: Immanuel Esser
Buch: Immanuel Esser, Matthias Sahli, Angelo Wemmje
Bildgestaltung: Philipp Künzli
Szenenbild: Renate Mihatsch
Schauspiel: Franziska Machens, Holger Daemgen, Johannes Kühn, Isabelle Hoepfner
Casting: Victor Brim
Produktionsleitung: Jakob Deutsch
Kostümbild: Doris Bartelt
Sounddesign: Tonstudio Krauthausen
Produktion: Kunsthochschule für Medien Köln, Philipp Künzli, Immanuel Esser und Renate Mihatsch
Förderung: Nordmedia
Prof. Sebastian Richter, Prof. Frank Döhmann, Prof. Dr. Peter Bexte, Prof. Didi Danquart, Carina Neubohn
  • Philipp Künzli
  • Renate Mihatsch
  • Immanuel Esser
A production of the Academy of Media Arts Cologne.
External cooperation:
Gefördert durch Nordmedia
Archiv Kunsthochschule für Medien Köln
Copyright: KHM / Autoren


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