Artistic work students

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Project type: Vordiplom
A production of the Academy of Media Arts Cologne.
Archiv Kunsthochschule für Medien Köln
Copyright: KHM / Autoren

ángel rojo

Cover image of the project red angel
  • Vanessa Monti
English title: red angel
Year: 2023
Length: 00:04:07
Categories: Film / TV / Video, Video Art, video performance, experimental film, experimental film
Project type: Vordiplom
angel rojo, is a short experimental video art piece recorded in first person in an open field and interacting spontaneously with brought and found objects. In the piece, the narrator interacts with the viewer by speaking directly to them, through asking questions and narrating her dreams and guiding them to a journey. The union of blood and earth celebrates the connection to the world and, by extension, to the larger universe. Blood is an ambiguous and thought-provoking symbol in ""red angel"". In my own experience as a woman, blood carries a multitude of meanings, which is distinct from its interpretation by male-identified bodies or within other contexts. Menstrual blood, for example, has a unique meaning, distinct from arterial blood, such as life, creation, renovation and healing itself, blood that does not come from a wound. Blood, as a symbol, encapsulates the paradoxical duality of life and death, transcending gender, culture and historical periods; a testimony to the horizontality of death.
Das Videostück wurde von mir, Vanessa Monti, gespielt, aufgenommen und geschnitten. In der Postproduktion hatte Lennard Frey die Rolle des Sounddesigners.
  • Vanessa Monti
A production of the Academy of Media Arts Cologne.
Archiv Kunsthochschule für Medien Köln
Copyright: KHM / Autoren
Cover image of the project red angel
Gallery image of the project red angel
Gallery image of the project red angel
Gallery image of the project red angel
Gallery image of the project red angel


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