Year: 2021 Categories: Photography, photographic work
Project type: 1. Projekt
For this series, I portrayed various artists at the beginning of their artistic careers. The photographs show the artists in their everyday (working) life, they give an insight into a world and a lifestyle that is strongly associated with clichés, such as that of the artist as a genius or depressive eccentric. I found myself confronted with this cliché again and again, but I couldn't identify with it. While I was photographing the others, I began to write down what I felt, what I thought and what happened. The photos show the others. But I took them. Therefore they somehow also show me. On large aluminum plates I have mounted very personal texts about my own insecurities and ways of working, which form the center of the work. The photographs give the texts a frame. By means of the photographs, which show an in-between, and my texts, this work became a very personal examination of my role as a photographer.
Mit: Camille Mandoki und Matías Aguayo // Constanza Javiera Ruiz und Maria Mercedes Flores Mujica // Cédric Kouamé // Julia Fuentesal und Pablo Arenillas
Prof. Beate Gütschow, Alex Grein
Caroline Brünen
A production of the Academy of Media Arts Cologne.