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Christian Faubel: Crystal Forming Robots (Installation) & Songs from my analogue Utopia (Performance)

The Digital Body
Galteca Gallery, Bucharest

Crystal Forming Robots on Overhead

The installation simulates the growth process of crystal structures. Each robot operates autonomously and is driven by the light of the overhead projector. When a robot has collected enough energy through its solar panel, the energy is all released at once through a small motor and the robot will make a random movement. The robots are equipped with tiny magnets, so that when they come close while they are moving, they attract each other and dock together. Over time a crystal-like structure emerges from more and more little robots forming larger clusters. Through the overhead projector this process is magnified and an abstract real-time movie of the real physical robots is projected to the wall.

Songs from my analogue utopia

12 nov | 3 - 4 PM

In songs from my analogue utopia I explore the self- organizing coordination dynamics of analog oscillators and the Utopian potentials of analogue communication. In analogue communication synchronization and coordination appear as an emergent effects and are not codified. Because synchronization results from the mutual interaction of two or more processes, not a single process is dominating the other. It is in the mutuality and in the degrees of freedom of each participating process where i see the Utopian potential of analogue communication.

The concepts of emergent synchronization and coordination become tangible and can be experienced through the construction of simple analog oscillators that drive little motors placed on the overhead projector. The motors swing back and forth little legs that hit on rubber strings which are spanned across the projector. During the performance I play with the coupling between the oscillators, with the internal parameters of each oscillator and with the environment, the spatial configuration of the rubber strings and with the materiality of the rubber strings, a score and shadow play emerges.

Editor — KarinLi
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