Fellow im Bereich exMedia bis 30. September 2022
Tiago Ive Rubini is an artist, researcher and teacher interested in investigating science, technology, open source culture and queer theory. They work with performance, installation, workshops and digital artworks discussing cultural and political realms of the body and identity. Tiago Ive participates in the groups cAt (science/ART/technology), GIIP (Research Group for Convergence between Art, Science and Technology) at São Paulo State University and since 2021 works as a fellow at KHM as a part of Ground Zero - poetic of technics and cognition. They hold a bachelor’s degree in Media Studies obtained at Federal Fluminense University, Brazil, and a master’s degree in Visual Arts, Music and Technology obtained at Juiz de Fora Federal University, Brazil. Tiago Ive is currently a doctorate student at São Paulo State University and recently held a scholarship to do a part of their doctorate research at KHM as a DAAD (German Academic Exchange Service) scholarship holder, from October 2020 until July 2021.
Their fellowship research project is related to the body and how its functions and processes can be converted into digital data. The implications of the body being regarded as data have biopolitical and cultural effects in matters such as identity, health and violence, which inspire the practical artworks developed by the artist at KHM.