Year: 2007 Categories: Installation, media spatial design, installation
Project type: Diplom
SARoskop is a matrix of 25 tubes that visualises electromagnetic waves. The installation reflects aspects of our mobile society by using devices that are an essential part of everyday life and confronts users with the ubiquitous data that surrounds them and otherwise remains invisible. Data is transformed into mechanical movement and interdependent oscillations. The sound of these moving parts and oscillation frequencies builds up to a crescendo, creating an exhilarating, almost nervous sound. This is coupled with blue-light displays that create a vibrancy of their own. The matrix is freely suspended from the ceiling as an independent space element and participants influence the movement and intensity of the installation’s reactions using devises such as their mobile phones.
Elektronik, Programmierung: Martin Nawrath Physik: Julius Helm
Prof. Dr. Georg Trogemann, Prof. Kris Krois, Pascal Glissmann
Martin Hesselmeier
Karin Lingnau
A production of the Academy of Media Arts Cologne.
Kölner Design Preis 2008 (01.01.2008) SARoskop (installation, 2007) by Martin Hesselmeier by Karin Lingnau CONNECT (2008) by Andreas Muxel
European Media Art Festival, Osnabrück, 2008 (01.01.2008) Rauschen & Brausen I (video work, 2007, 00:05:00) by Daniel Burkhardt Rechnender Raum (installation, 2007) by Ralf Baecker SARoskop (installation, 2007) by Martin Hesselmeier by Karin Lingnau