Words of various colour names, as well as words derived from those colour names, are cut out on transparent film and adhered to each pane of the church windows. Each of the three windows have words associated with red, blue or green, which are three elementary colours of light. The centre pane of each window is covered with translucent films of each colour, which allows viewers to experience different shades of red, blue and green depending on the condition of the natural light from the outside. The fourth window has words describing the appearance of light, which represent how the phenomenon of light is perceived by human eyes and emotion. The centre pane of this window is left empty, which let the white light come through as it is. The work presents the imaginative ability and infinite expandability of language, as well as its absurd and arbitral nature as a tool to define the relationship between things and our perception
Idee und Realisation: Ken`ichi Matsubara
Prof. Andreas Henrich, Olivier Arcioli
Ken`ichi Matsubara
A production of the Academy of Media Arts Cologne.