English title: 70.7 BLUE Year: 2015 Length: 00:15:00 Categories: Installation, Video Art, video sculpture, video installation, video installation
Project type: 2. Projekt
The sight into the „bull’s eye“ of a washing machine presents garments in various shades of white – once in movement they can hardly be distinguished from each other. A rotating metallic cylinder captures our imagination – hypnotises us – takes us on a journey. Where do we go from here – into the vast of BLUE? A figural object turns into something abstract - mixing textile and water into a kaleidoscope of light and shadow. Are we losing control in the perpetual stream of a machine? Accompanied by a paranoid noise we gaze into the distance; hoping to find comfort and consolation in the virtual infinity of our BLUE planet.
Idee und Realisation: Tina Rietzschel Soundbearbeitung: Verena Hentschel
Prof. Heide Hagebölling, Luis Negrón van Grieken
Tina Rietzschel
A production of the Academy of Media Arts Cologne.