Artistic work students

35 Jahre Kunsthochschule für Medien Köln
Dr. Konstantin Butz
Prof. Frank Döhmann
Prof. Maris Pfeiffer
Prof. Sebastian Richter
Project type: Diplom
A production of the Academy of Media Arts Cologne.
Archiv Kunsthochschule für Medien Köln
Copyright: KHM / Autoren

Mamma Mila Me

  • Alexander Pauckner
  • Brock Labrenz
Year: 2019
Length: 00:16:44
Categories: Film / TV / Video, feature film
Project type: Diplom
Vincent is the oldest child in a traditional family - working father, stay-at-home mother, and happy little sister. But their home is dominated by the father’s caustic temper, something his mother seems resigned to accept in order to keep the family going. Vincent is growing up with this pervasive tension, which is as normal to him as pancakes for breakfast on Saturday morning. However, when his father lashes out at his little sister and the babysitter, Vincent finally breaks his silence and stands by his mother.
Regie, Buch und Montage: Brock Labrenz
Bildgestaltung: Alexander Pauckner
Schauspiel: Samuel Pesch, Mirka Ritter, Knud Riepen, Gray Thomas, Erna Imelda Runge und Moritz Führmann
Szenenbild: Caterina Ruzzante
Musik: Yan Fiorello
Regieassistent: Simon Baucks
2. Kamera: Claire Jahn
Kameraassistenten: Felix Mai, Connor Shafran
Gaffer: Can Köprülü
Best Boy: Christian Godau
Electricians: Leo Decristofero, Till Pallapies, Paul Pallapies, Nora Daniels, Daniel Toelke, Chantal Bergemann, Lukas Soboll
DIT: Thomas Toth
Set-Ton: Tim Stephan
Zusätzlicher Ton: Boris Maximov
Ausstattung: Marin Fanjoy-Labrenz
Art Department Assistent: Govoi
Catering: Priska Kubelka, Adrianna Wieczorek
Kinderbetreuung: Samuel Awadala
Maske: Anna Kindermann, Nicola Brandt
Set-Fotos: Jelena Illic
Farbkorrektur: Can Köprülü, Alexander Pauckner
Sound Design: Daniel Paulmann
Foley: Tim Köhler
Tonmischung: Ralf Schipke
Produktionsleiter: Avesta Roknabadi
Produzenten: Brock Labrenz, Alexander Pauckner, Avesta Roknabadi
Produktion: Kunsthochschule für Medien Köln, Brock Labrenz und Alexander Pauckner
Dr. Konstantin Butz, Prof. Frank Döhmann, Prof. Maris Pfeiffer, Prof. Sebastian Richter
  • Alexander Pauckner
  • Brock Labrenz
A production of the Academy of Media Arts Cologne.
Archiv Kunsthochschule für Medien Köln
Copyright: KHM / Autoren
  • 01:06
    Mamma Mila Me
  • 08:16
    Videogespräche zur KHM Ausstellung *Diplome 2020


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