KHM Showcase 2022 (29.09.2022 - 29.09.2022)
Old Family Stories (feature film, 2021, 00:20:00)
by Sebastian Binder
by Mario von Grumbkow
by Joscha Ortmeier
Four fifty-one (feature film, 2022, 00:30:00)
by Álvaro Parrilla Álvarez
Cascade (film/video essay, 2021, 00:13:13)
by Rike Hoppse
Father, Chase Me Not! (feature film, 2022, 00:22:30)
by Sámuel Visky
by Lilly-Jasmin Plener
Territory (experimental film, 2022, 00:10:10)
by Julian Quentin
Into the Fog (feature film, 2022, 00:11:11)
by Cinthia Konopacki
Die Verlorenen (feature film, 2022, 00:19:58)
by Simon Baucks
by Leonard Prandini
WENDE (feature film, 2022, 00:31:14)
by Yasemin Markstein
Exile (documentary, 2022, 01:06:52)
by Nan Li
Wolf to Woman (feature film, 2023, 00:20:47)
by Fabiana Fragale
by Lisa van Brakel
With my thoughts on the sea (documentary, 2023, 00:23:00)
by Fabiana Fragale
MAMiTA (documentary, 2023, 01:42:00)
by Luisa Bäde
Le Métèque (feature film, 2023, 00:29:00)
by Cédric Ernoult
by Fabian Martin Anger
In your hands (documentary, 2023, 01:06:00)
by Sophie Dettmar
An Uncontacted Tribe (experimental film, 2022, 00:20:35)
by Hanna Noh
Say Wuff! (feature film, 2023, 00:29:56)
by Fabian Podeszwa
Two Giants that exist here – A German Fairy Tale (film/video essay, 2023, 00:21:21)
by Julia von dem Berge
by Gianna Scholten
PIECHT (feature film, 2023, 00:30:00)
by Hannah Platzer
by Luka Lara Steffen