Artistic work students

35 Jahre Kunsthochschule für Medien Köln
Prof. Ute Hörner
Prof. Mathias Antlfinger
Prof. Kathrin Röggla
Thomas Hawranke Ph.D
Project type: Diplom
A production of the Academy of Media Arts Cologne.
Archiv Kunsthochschule für Medien Köln
Copyright: KHM / Autoren

An Uncontacted Tribe

Cover image of the project An Uncontacted Tribe
  • Hanna Noh
Year: 2022
Length: 00:20:35
Categories: Installation, Video Art, experimental film
Project type: Diplom
“An Uncontacted Tribe” is an experimental film combining dance, 3D graphic animation and sound inviting us to a ritual journey to endangered faunas: The ""Transboundary Protected Area“ (DMZ - the Demilitarized Zone between South and North Korea) is being introduced as an “unexpected paradise” for endangered animals. We see a shaman possessed by the spirit of the red-crowned crane, a central symbol in Korean culture. The spirit invites us to a magical flight to experience unexplored territory beyond our physical limits. The film is presented surrounded by paper installations..
Regie und Buch: Hannah Noh
Tanz und Choreografie: Minseong Seo
Bildgestaltung: Rikisaburo Sato
Kameraassistenz: Sara Amir Salem, Sebastian Jaimes
Licht: Sebastian Jaimes, Jonas Burlage
Kostümbild: Charlotte Morache
Sounddesign: Pedro Ramírez
Tonmischung: Judith Nordbrock
Voiceover: Jan Williams
VFX: Jiha Jeon
3D-Animation und 3D-Design: Jiha Jeon, Hanna Noh
Colorgrading: Fabiana Cardalda, Jiha Jeon
Grafikdesign: Nam Huynh, Mark Bohle
Produktionsleitung: Petra Clemens
Buchhaltung: Renate Voget Production
Produktion: Kunsthochschule für Medien Köln und Hannah Noh
Förderung: Kunsthochschule für Medien Köln, Koreanisches Kulturzentrum, NRW Kultursekreteriat Ute: wer hat die Montage gemacht? Written and directed by Hanna Noh
Dance and choreography: Minseong Seo
Camera: Rikisaburo Sato
Camera assistant: Sara Amir Salem, Sebastian Jaimes Marin
Light: Sebastian Jaimes Marin, Jonas Burlage
Costume design: Charlotte Morache
VFX: Jiha Jeon
3D animation and design: Jiha Jeon, Hanna Noh
Color grading: Fabiana Cardalda, Jiha Jeon
Graphic design: N&MS
Sound design: Pedro Ramírez
Sound Mixing: Judith Nordbrock
Voice over: Jan Williams
Production management: Petra Clemens
Accounting: Renate Voget Production: Academy of Media Arts Cologne and Hannah Noh
Supported by: Academy of Media Arts Cologne, Koreanisches Kulturzentrum, NRW Kultursekreteriat
Prof. Ute Hörner, Prof. Mathias Antlfinger, Prof. Kathrin Röggla, Thomas Hawranke Ph.D
  • Hanna Noh
A production of the Academy of Media Arts Cologne.
Archiv Kunsthochschule für Medien Köln
Copyright: KHM / Autoren
Cover image of the project An Uncontacted Tribe
Gallery image of the project An Uncontacted Tribe
Gallery image of the project An Uncontacted Tribe
Gallery image of the project An Uncontacted Tribe
Gallery image of the project An Uncontacted Tribe
Gallery image of the project An Uncontacted Tribe
Gallery image of the project An Uncontacted Tribe
Gallery image of the project An Uncontacted Tribe
Gallery image of the project An Uncontacted Tribe


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    PIECHT (feature film, 2023, 00:30:00)
    by Hannah Platzer
    by Luka Lara Steffen
    An Uncontacted Tribe (experimental film, 2022, 00:20:35)
    by Hanna Noh
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