Film and Television

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Film and Television


The Film and Television faculty instructs students in the subjects of feature film, script writing, documentary film, camera, creative production and television-specific forms. These fields are not isolated from one another and can be linked in such a way that students can pursue their own individual preferences and try out the most varied aspects of filmmaking. For each of the subjects mentioned here are existing teaching concepts, in which seminars on theory, fundamentals and practical specialist seminars follow on from one another and are interlinked with the students’ projects in the main course.

These seminars are, on one hand, designed to be flexible, i.e. they are taught by a variety of professors, artistic-academic staff and guest lecturers. On the other, certain seminars are assigned to individual professors, who teach them regularly. In addition there are specialist seminars for production, history of film and television, sound and montage.

After the intermediate diploma, every student must realise two projects and their final diploma project. Projects can be short feature or documentary films, scenes from directing exercises, but also scripts, camera work on films by fellow students, extensive research for documentary films or concepts for television shows. Each project must be supervised by at least one lecturer, who accompanies the development and production process and validates the merit.         


The format of diploma projects in the Film and Television faculty range from full-length, mid-length and short feature films; mid-length and full-length documentary films; to scripts for cinema features and television series; camera work; or to concepts and pilots for light-entertainment shows. Various genres are represented in the field of fiction film. Realist film narratives set in the present have dominated in recent years, but thrillers, horror films and comedies are also common. In the field of documentary film, observational studies, biographical dialogue films as well as strongly visual expeditions on the edge of society, but also essays on complex societal relationships are to be found.



At a glance: Regular events, awards and festival participations

Teaching staff

Current student projects

Fächergruppe Film und Fernsehen


Claudia Löwen

Heumarkt 14

50667 Köln

Tel.: +49 (0)221 - 20189 - 136

Fax: +49 (0)221 - 20189 - 49136


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