Subtitle: Eine Visualisation von Hans Richters ""Rhythmus 21"" Year: 2014 Categories: Sculpture / Objects, sculpture
Project type: Diplom
Skulptur21 is a sculpture made of wood, wire, carbon fiber and acrylic paint, measuring 0.3m x 1.2m x 8m. It consists of separate hollow elements that are loosely assembled together, partly elevated by wires, on a specially constructed table. The different elements are painted white, light and dark gray and black. The sculpture is a structural visualisation of Hans Richter's experimental film Rhythmus 21. The film, created around 1921, is considered a milestone in film history and is one of the first abstract films ever made. It consists of varying geometric elements that move within the pictoral frame of the screen and change in shape. The elements also change in size, giving the impression of movement towards and away from the viewer, thereby creating a feeling of depth. Skulptur21 shows this movement in space.
Idee und Realisation: Gerald Schauder Lasercut: Urs Fries Werkstatt: Bernd Voss
Prof. Dr. Peter Bexte, Prof. Anthony Moore, Luis Négron van Grieken
Gerald Schauder
A production of the Academy of Media Arts Cologne.
Kasseler Dokumentarfilm- und Videofest 2015 (10.11.2015 - 15.11.2015) Am Kölnberg (documentary, 2014, 1:25:00) by Laurentia Genske by Robin Humboldt Skulptur21 (sculpture, 2014) by Gerald Schauder