Artistic work students

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Prof. Isabel Herguera
Prof. Markus Busch
Gerrit Lucas
Project type: Diplom
A production of the Academy of Media Arts Cologne.
Archiv Kunsthochschule für Medien Köln
Copyright: KHM / Autoren


Cover image of the project Four fifty-one
  • Álvaro Parrilla Álvarez
English title: Four fifty-one
Year: 2022
Length: 00:30:00
Categories: Film / TV / Video, feature film
Project type: Diplom
In a future where Bradbury's dystopia has been fulfilled, books do not exist and stories are narrated by people, we follow Belano, a young Book-Person, who narrates Daniel Defoe's Robinson Crusoe.
Regie und Buch: Álvaro Parrilla Álvarez
Bildgestaltung: Martin Paret
Regieassistenz: Estefania Veiga, Camilo Colmenares, Yasmin
Focus-Puller: Linda Schefferski
Kameraassistenz: Yannick Bündgen, Sophia Gamboa, Nicola Pejcic, Yuval Horovitz, Bazon Rosengarth, Adrian Witzel
Dolly: Tobias Löhde
Oberbeleuchter:innen: Lukas Soboll, Christian Mario Löhr, Marie Zahir, Mahmoud Belakhel, Christian Kochmann
Beleuchter:innen: Lars Elliger, Florian Brückner, Nils Ramme, Ronnie Mauricio, Pedro Carnicer, Lisa Heldmann, Farah Wind, Philipp Theiss, Andreas Finger, Philipp Lykostratis, Martin Zimmermann
Producer: Gizem Acarla
Angel Set-AL: Sergiu Zorger, Albi Fouche, Marcela Vanegas, Dolunay Gördüm
Produktionsassistenz: Marie Jo Guekes
Ton: Torsten Büttner
Tonassistenz: Camilo Sandoval
Szenenbild: Caterina Ruzzante
Szenenbildassistenz: Leonard Leyens
Requisite: Claire Handourtzel, Miguel Angel Rodriguez
Bühnenbau Hilfe: Roland Wollenweber
Kostümbild: Stephanie Zurstegge
Kostümbildassistenz: Lea Edling
Maskenbild: Jenny Uhlig Santina, Anastasia Gajer
Postproduktionskoordination: Sofía Mellino
Montage: María Navas Alba, Dani Zarandieta
Musik: Fernando Barrera
Tonbearbeitung: Andrew Gavin
VFX: Alma Cebrián
Motiondesign: Pablo Ramos Álvarez
Colorgrading: Juan Antonio Casaus
Set-Runner: Ana Maria Gutiérrez, Daniela Salamanca
Ton: Torsten Büttner
Musik: Fernando Barrera (Nano B.) “Temporal” (Album: “Para entonces habrás muerto” 2009)
Musik und Urheber: Tannhauser @Tannhauser
Schauspiel: Belano - Leander Gerdes
Machiavelli- Bernt Hahn
Irene - Rabea Wyrwich
Ratgeber - Johannes Kühn
Anna Karenina - Hilde Brand
Markus - Christian Stock
Jane Eyre - Karl Drescher
Geheimnisvoller Mann - Alexander Koll
Irenes Freund - Moritz Heidelbach
Dracula - Rolando Obeaga Guadarrama
Faust - Klaus Middeldorf
Christina - Isabel Trimdorn
Buchmensch Irene - Stella Göke, Gizem Acarla, Manolo González
Maurer - Caterina Ruzzante, Leandro Meza
Buchmensch Buchhandlung - Marcelo Alaniz, Estefania Veiga, Martin Zimmermann
Prof. Isabel Herguera, Prof. Markus Busch, Gerrit Lucas
  • Álvaro Parrilla Álvarez
A production of the Academy of Media Arts Cologne.
Archiv Kunsthochschule für Medien Köln
Copyright: KHM / Autoren
Cover image of the project Four fifty-one
Gallery image of the project Four fifty-one
Gallery image of the project Four fifty-one
Gallery image of the project Four fifty-one


    KHM Showcase 2022 (29.09.2022 - 29.09.2022)
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    by Sebastian Binder
    by Mario von Grumbkow
    by Joscha Ortmeier
    Four fifty-one (feature film, 2022, 00:30:00)
    by Álvaro Parrilla Álvarez
    Cascade (film/video essay, 2021, 00:13:13)
    by Rike Hoppse
    Father, Chase Me Not! (feature film, 2022, 00:22:30)
    by Sámuel Visky
    by Lilly-Jasmin Plener
    Territory (experimental film, 2022, 00:10:10)
    by Julian Quentin
    Into the Fog (feature film, 2022, 00:11:11)
    by Cinthia Konopacki
    Die Verlorenen (feature film, 2022, 00:19:58)
    by Simon Baucks
    by Leonard Prandini
    WENDE (feature film, 2022, 00:31:14)
    by Yasemin Markstein
    Exile (documentary, 2022, 01:06:52)
    by Nan Li
    Wolf to Woman (feature film, 2023, 00:20:47)
    by Fabiana Fragale
    by Lisa van Brakel
    With my thoughts on the sea (documentary, 2023, 00:23:00)
    by Fabiana Fragale
    MAMiTA (documentary, 2023, 01:42:00)
    by Luisa Bäde
    Le Métèque (feature film, 2023, 00:29:00)
    by Cédric Ernoult
    by Fabian Martin Anger
    In your hands (documentary, 2023, 01:06:00)
    by Sophie Dettmar
    An Uncontacted Tribe (experimental film, 2022, 00:20:35)
    by Hanna Noh
    Say Wuff! (feature film, 2023, 00:29:56)
    by Fabian Podeszwa
    Two Giants that exist here – A German Fairy Tale (film/video essay, 2023, 00:21:21)
    by Julia von dem Berge
    by Gianna Scholten
    PIECHT (feature film, 2023, 00:30:00)
    by Hannah Platzer
    by Luka Lara Steffen
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