Artistic work students

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Prof. Didi Danquart
Prof. Frank Döhmann
Luis Negron van Grieken
Project type: Diplom
A production of the Academy of Media Arts Cologne.
Archiv Kunsthochschule für Medien Köln
Copyright: KHM / Autoren

Old Family Stories

Cover image of the project New Family Stories
  • Sebastian Binder
  • Mario von Grumbkow
  • Joscha Ortmeier
Year: 2021
Length: 00:20:00
Categories: Film / TV / Video, feature film
Project type: Diplom
OLD FAMILY STORIES shows impertinent Dagobert bringing his beloved and patriotic nephew to the limit of the bearable, by misusing the retrofuturistic weaponry of his employer for his personal good. Suddenly there he was, not the father, but the young janitors once exiled uncle. An uncle who brings back memories of an ambivalent past, that lead to euphoria, awe, demonization. The tragedy „Old Family Stories“ tells of two men, the one patriot, the other anarchist, who work together alone and have to fight with the difficulties of closeness and distance. 
Regie und Buch: Joscha Ortmeier, Sebastian Binder
Bildgestaltung: Fred Schirmer
Schauspiel: Paul Boche, Charles Lemming, Arzu Coruh, Jana Reiß
Montage und Colorgrading: Sebastian Binder
Produzenten: Mario von Grumbkow, Joscha Ortmeier, Sebastian Bindner
Komponist: David Schwarz
Sounddesign und Tonmischung: Johann Niegl
Kostümbild: Annemarie Kögl, Sahee Simmons
Maske: Jennifer Uhlig
Requisite: Esra Tamkoc
Produktion: Kunsthochschule für Medien Köln und Joscha Ortmeier
Prof. Didi Danquart, Prof. Frank Döhmann, Luis Negron van Grieken
  • Sebastian Binder
  • Mario von Grumbkow
  • Joscha Ortmeier
A production of the Academy of Media Arts Cologne.
Archiv Kunsthochschule für Medien Köln
Copyright: KHM / Autoren
Cover image of the project New Family Stories
Gallery image of the project New Family Stories
Gallery image of the project New Family Stories
Gallery image of the project New Family Stories
Gallery image of the project New Family Stories


    KHM Showcase 2022 (29.09.2022 - 29.09.2022)
    Old Family Stories (feature film, 2021, 00:20:00)
    by Sebastian Binder
    by Mario von Grumbkow
    by Joscha Ortmeier
    Four fifty-one (feature film, 2022, 00:30:00)
    by Álvaro Parrilla Álvarez
    Cascade (film/video essay, 2021, 00:13:13)
    by Rike Hoppse
    Father, Chase Me Not! (feature film, 2022, 00:22:30)
    by Sámuel Visky
    by Lilly-Jasmin Plener
    Territory (experimental film, 2022, 00:10:10)
    by Julian Quentin
    Into the Fog (feature film, 2022, 00:11:11)
    by Cinthia Konopacki
    Die Verlorenen (feature film, 2022, 00:19:58)
    by Simon Baucks
    by Leonard Prandini
    WENDE (feature film, 2022, 00:31:14)
    by Yasemin Markstein
    Exile (documentary, 2022, 01:06:52)
    by Nan Li
    Wolf to Woman (feature film, 2023, 00:20:47)
    by Fabiana Fragale
    by Lisa van Brakel
    Two Giants that exist here – A German Fairy Tale (film/video essay, 2023, 00:21:21)
    by Julia von dem Berge
    by Gianna Scholten
    With my thoughts on the sea (documentary, 2023, 00:23:00)
    by Fabiana Fragale
    PIECHT (feature film, 2023, 00:30:00)
    by Hannah Platzer
    by Luka Lara Steffen
    MAMiTA (documentary, 2023, 01:42:00)
    by Luisa Bäde
    Le Métèque (feature film, 2023, 00:29:00)
    by Cédric Ernoult
    by Fabian Martin Anger
    In your hands (documentary, 2023, 01:06:00)
    by Sophie Dettmar
    An Uncontacted Tribe (experimental film, 2022, 00:20:35)
    by Hanna Noh
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