Artistic work students

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Prof. Heide Hagebölling
Prof. Frank Döhmann
Ingo Haeb
Project type: Diplom
A production of the Academy of Media Arts Cologne.
External cooperation:
Förderung: Filmstiftung NRW
Archiv Kunsthochschule für Medien Köln
Copyright: KHM / Autoren

Allein der Gedanke

  • Alexander Kluth
Year: 2010
Length: 00:24:00
Categories: Film / TV / Video, feature film
Project type: Diplom
When farmer Mathias lets his eight-year-old daughter Nora take the agricultural machine´s wheel for a brief moment, an accident happens. Mathias assumes he crashed into an animal, but later on discovers that he must have hit a person. Being heavily traumatised, Mathias strays through the night until he returns home the next morning. Because of Mathias´ inability to tell his wife Inga about what´s happened, he starts to internalise the guilt - not least because he wants to protect Nora and the family. His inner turmoil creates an emotional distance, that seems to shatter the relationship between him and his family.
Buch, Regie und Montage: Alexander Kluth
Produktionsleitung: Kim Pätzmann
Kamera: Leif Thomas
Oberbeleuchter: Max Tsui
Ton: Stefan Fendrich
Sounddesign / Foley: Thomas Supke
Musik: Dürbeck & Dohmen
Darsteller: Nicholas Reinke, Tabea Willemsen, Christina Hecke
Prof. Heide Hagebölling, Prof. Frank Döhmann, Ingo Haeb
  • Alexander Kluth
A production of the Academy of Media Arts Cologne.
External cooperation:
Förderung: Filmstiftung NRW
Archiv Kunsthochschule für Medien Köln
Copyright: KHM / Autoren
Gallery image of the project Allein der Gedanke


    Filmfestival Max Ophüls Preis, Saarbrücken 2010 (18.01.2010 - 24.01.2010)
    Bienenstich ist aus (feature film, 2009, 00:15:44)
    by Sarah Winkenstette
    Der schwule Neger Nobi (documentary, 2009, 01:00:00)
    by Wilm Huygen
    Der Schübling (feature film, 2009, 00:30:00)
    by Visar Morina
    Dem Besten aller Väter (feature film, 2010, 00:21:15)
    by Türker Süer
    Pauls Opa (feature film, 2007, 00:19:00)
    by Ove Sander
    Driving Élodie (feature film, 2009, 00:17:45)
    by Lars Henning
    Glasfasern (feature film, 2010, 00:29:40)
    by Alexandra Schröder
    Allein der Gedanke (feature film, 2010, 00:24:00)
    by Alexander Kluth
    MIT European Short Film Festival Cambridge, USA 2010 (09.04.2010 - 11.04.2010)
    Das Mädchen in der dritten Reihe (commercial, 2007, 00:01:20)
    by Stephan Bergmann
    Zeitriss (experimental film, 2009, 00:11:00)
    by Quimu Casalprim i Suárez
    A Day and a Eternity (documentary, 2009, 00:25:00)
    by Anna Hepp
    Graffito (feature film, 2009, 00:14:45)
    by Rami Hamze
    Radioplay - the film (feature film, 2009, 00:21:00)
    by Heineking, jr.
    Wanna be (feature film, 2009, 00:32:00)
    by Christina Ebelt
    Humble Pie (animation film, 2009, 00:04:26)
    by Marcus Zilz
    Allein der Gedanke (feature film, 2010, 00:24:00)
    by Alexander Kluth
    OpenEyes Filmfest, Marburg 2010 (15.07.2010 - 18.07.2010)
    The Last Hermit (feature film, 2009, 00:23:00)
    by Juliane Blothner
    the death of one. (documentary, 2009, 00:31:30)
    by Patrick Doberenz
    by Philipp Enders
    Zeitriss (experimental film, 2009, 00:11:00)
    by Quimu Casalprim i Suárez
    Narben im Beton (feature film, 2009, 00:30:00)
    by Juliane Engelmann
    Wanna be (feature film, 2009, 00:32:00)
    by Christina Ebelt
    To Be Continued (experimental film, 2009, 00:03:18)
    by Nicole Wegner
    Allein der Gedanke (feature film, 2010, 00:24:00)
    by Alexander Kluth
    Alpinale Kurzfilmfestival Nenzing 2010 (10.08.2010 - 14.08.2010)
    Narben im Beton (feature film, 2009, 00:30:00)
    by Juliane Engelmann
    Allein der Gedanke (feature film, 2010, 00:24:00)
    by Alexander Kluth
    Avanca Film Festival, Portugal 2010 (23.07.2010 - 01.08.2010)
    Domino Effect (feature film, 2010, 00:27:56)
    by Gabriel Gauchet
    Allein der Gedanke (feature film, 2010, 00:24:00)
    by Alexander Kluth
    Festival Brasileiro de Cinema Universitário 2010 (28.07.2010 - 08.08.2010)
    Zeitriss (experimental film, 2009, 00:11:00)
    by Quimu Casalprim i Suárez
    Kommen, Gehen, Bleiben (feature film, 2009, 00:24:00)
    by Corinna Liedtke
    Der Schübling (feature film, 2009, 00:30:00)
    by Visar Morina
    The Lovers (feature film, 2009, 00:23:00)
    by Caroline Geraldine Kox
    Domino Effect (feature film, 2010, 00:27:56)
    by Gabriel Gauchet
    Allein der Gedanke (feature film, 2010, 00:24:00)
    by Alexander Kluth
    BRNO Sixteen, International Short Fiction Film Festival, Tschechien 2010 (13.10.2010 - 17.10.2010)
    The Last Hermit (feature film, 2009, 00:23:00)
    by Juliane Blothner
    Spuren (feature film, 2009, 00:23:30)
    by Sebastian Fritzsch
    Close your eyes and wake up (feature film, 2010, 00:17:30)
    by Yvonne Wellie
    Allein der Gedanke (feature film, 2010, 00:24:00)
    by Alexander Kluth
    Young Cinema Art Polen 2010 (07.10.2010 - 10.10.2010)
    Eni (feature film, 2009, 00:24:30)
    by Ingo Monitor
    Der Schübling (feature film, 2009, 00:30:00)
    by Visar Morina
    Dem Besten aller Väter (feature film, 2010, 00:21:15)
    by Türker Süer
    Close your eyes and wake up (feature film, 2010, 00:17:30)
    by Yvonne Wellie
    The Lovers (feature film, 2009, 00:23:00)
    by Caroline Geraldine Kox
    Narben im Beton (feature film, 2009, 00:30:00)
    by Juliane Engelmann
    Allein der Gedanke (feature film, 2010, 00:24:00)
    by Alexander Kluth
    Istanbul International Short Film Festival 2010 (08.11.2010 - 14.11.2010)
    A Day and a Eternity (documentary, 2009, 00:25:00)
    by Anna Hepp
    Dem Besten aller Väter (feature film, 2010, 00:21:15)
    by Türker Süer
    From a standing position (feature film, 2010, 00:27:00)
    by Jan Paul Bachmann
    Allein der Gedanke (feature film, 2010, 00:24:00)
    by Alexander Kluth
    Student and Short Film Festival Sleepwalkers, Tallinn 2010 (20.11.2010 - 24.11.2010)
    Was es ist (feature film, 2009, 00:45:00)
    by Kaija Helweg
    Narben im Beton (feature film, 2009, 00:30:00)
    by Juliane Engelmann
    Allein der Gedanke (feature film, 2010, 00:24:00)
    by Alexander Kluth
    Landshuter Kurzfilmfestival 2011 (23.03.2011 - 27.03.2011)
    Der Schübling (feature film, 2009, 00:30:00)
    by Visar Morina
    Der Sammler (animation film, 2010, 00:04:23)
    by Katharina Huber
    Oshima (feature film, 2010, 00:30:00)
    by Lars Henning
    Hirsch! (feature film, 2010, 00:16:04)
    by Philipp Bank
    Never even (feature film, 2003, 00:09:00)
    by Jan Schomburg
    Holding Still (documentary, 2010, 00:26:35)
    by Florian Riegel
    Allein der Gedanke (feature film, 2010, 00:24:00)
    by Alexander Kluth
    KHM Jahresausstellung 2010 (15.07.2010 - 18.07.2010)
    Heimat (experimental film, 2009, 00:05:53)
    by Lynn Kossler
    by Dagmar Ege
    Das Büdchen (feature film, 2009, 00:23:30)
    by Martina Plura
    Ego_Box (installation, 2009, 00:18:00)
    by Hyung-Jun Park
    Holding Still (documentary, 2010, 00:26:35)
    by Florian Riegel
    Still / Sysiphos (photographic work, 2010)
    by Theresia Tarcson
    Monolog of two Machines (installation, 2010)
    by Jasper Diekamp
    Free Slave (animation film, 2010, 00:07:58)
    by Pauline Flory
    Digging Out New Statements (video installation, 2010, 00:07:00)
    by E. S. Mayorga
    Don't Move! (sculpture, 2010)
    by Jens Standke
    Augentinte (installation, 2010)
    by Sunjha Kim
    The Loop (video installation, 2010)
    by Krišs Salmanis
    Allein der Gedanke (feature film, 2010, 00:24:00)
    by Alexander Kluth
    KHM Showcase 2010 (05.10.2010 - 06.10.2010)
    Holding Still (documentary, 2010, 00:26:35)
    by Florian Riegel
    Free Slave (animation film, 2010, 00:07:58)
    by Pauline Flory
    Isi (feature film, 2010, 00:27:00)
    by Julia Suermondt
    Allein der Gedanke (feature film, 2010, 00:24:00)
    by Alexander Kluth
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