Artistic work students

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A production of the Academy of Media Arts Cologne.
External cooperation:
Eine Produktion der Zürcher Hochschule der Künste (ZHdK)
Archiv Kunsthochschule für Medien Köln
Copyright: KHM / Autoren

Der Molchkongress

Cover image of the project The Newt Congress
  • Immanuel Esser
English title: The Newt Congress
Year: 2022
Length: 00:15:55
Categories: Film / TV / Video, feature film
For years now, giant talking newts have been used both for their labour and as laboratory animals. The Newt Congress takes place at a conference building surrounded by nature where participants have come together to optimize the..... exploitation of the animals. The short film is a free adaptation of Karel Čapek's ""War with the Newts"".....
Regie und Buch: Immanuel Esser und Matthias Sahli
Bildgestaltung: Miriam Rutherfoord
Ton: Oliver Rogers
Schauspiel: u.a. Wiebke Mollenhauer, Linda Gunst, Peter Hottinger, Anthea Heyner, Manuela Biedermann
Puppenspiel: Ursula Bienz, Tobias Bienz, Fabian Lüscher
Puppendesign und -bau: Lisa Bruggmann, Fabian Lüscher
Regieassistenz: Johannes Bachmann
Kameraassistenz: Christina Welter
Montage: Matthias Sahli
Sounddesign und Tonmischung: Jan Godde
Colorgrading: Ramón Königshausen
Produktion: Zürcher Hochschule der Künste, Immanuel Esser und Matthias Sahli
  • Immanuel Esser
A production of the Academy of Media Arts Cologne.
External cooperation:
Eine Produktion der Zürcher Hochschule der Künste (ZHdK)
Archiv Kunsthochschule für Medien Köln
Copyright: KHM / Autoren
Cover image of the project The Newt Congress
Gallery image of the project The Newt Congress
Gallery image of the project The Newt Congress
Gallery image of the project The Newt Congress
Gallery image of the project The Newt Congress


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