Artistic work students

Logo Text
Prof. Gebhard Henke
Dr. Iris Kronauer
Prof. Mischa Kuball
Andreas Altenhoff
Project type: Diplom
A production of the Academy of Media Arts Cologne.
Archiv Kunsthochschule für Medien Köln
Copyright: KHM / Autoren

Hörspiel - der Film

  • Heineking, jr.
English title: Radioplay - the film
Year: 2009
Length: 00:21:00
Categories: Film / TV / Video, feature film
Project type: Diplom
Dies ist die Geschichte zweier Männer, die nicht ahnen, welch außergewöhnliche Kräfte in ihnen schlummern. Ein Film über die Wucht der Phantasie, die Gewalt der Enttäuschung und die Macht des Hörens. Ein Hörspiel für Kinder. [FSK ab 18]
Darsteller: Jasin und Samy Challah
Kamera: Philipp Pfeiffer
Tonmischung: Andreas Hildebrandt
Schnitt: Jan von Rimscha
Produktionsleitung: Peter Heineking
Prof. Gebhard Henke, Dr. Iris Kronauer, Prof. Mischa Kuball, Andreas Altenhoff
  • Heineking, jr.
A production of the Academy of Media Arts Cologne.
Archiv Kunsthochschule für Medien Köln
Copyright: KHM / Autoren


    Kinofest Lünen 2009 (19.11.2009 - 22.11.2009)
    Frag Gummo! (feature film, 2008, 00:19:00)
    by Samy Challah
    Agridulce (documentary, 2008, 00:45:00)
    by Julia Keller
    Hasopolis (TV format, 2008, 00:20:25)
    by Jasin Challah
    El Alberto - The walk of a village (documentary, 2009, 01:10:05)
    by Markus von Morgen
    ANNE PERRY - Interiors (documentary, 2008, 01:10:00)
    by Dana Linkiewicz
    by Mischa Leinkauf
    Leavenworth, WA (documentary, 2008, 00:29:00)
    by Hannes Lang
    Radioplay - the film (feature film, 2009, 00:21:00)
    by Heineking, jr.
    2012 (feature film, 2008, 00:30:00)
    by Marcus Overbeck
    Unlimited - Europäisches Kurzfilmfestival Köln 2009 (18.11.2009 - 23.11.2009)
    Unter Wasser (feature film, 2009, 00:17:00)
    by Bariş Aladağ
    the death of one. (documentary, 2009, 00:31:30)
    by Patrick Doberenz
    by Philipp Enders
    Nightscape (animation film, 2009, 00:04:16)
    by Eike Mosler
    Es war einmal eine Möhre (animation film, 2009, 00:03:50)
    by Jie Lu
    Aedis (animation film, 2009, 00:09:10)
    by Julian Huber
    Graffito (feature film, 2009, 00:14:45)
    by Rami Hamze
    Polar (feature film, 2009, 00:30:00)
    by Michael Koch
    Radioplay - the film (feature film, 2009, 00:21:00)
    by Heineking, jr.
    Bes (feature film, 2008, 00:17:00)
    by Daniela Roos
    FILMZ - Festival des deutschen Kinos, Mainz 2009 (25.11.2009 - 29.11.2009)
    dresdenprague (feature film, 2010, 00:27:33)
    by Maximilian Leo
    Brother, Brother (feature film, 2007, 00:11:28)
    by Lars Kreyßig
    Radioplay - the film (feature film, 2009, 00:21:00)
    by Heineking, jr.
    MIT European Short Film Festival Cambridge, USA 2010 (09.04.2010 - 11.04.2010)
    Das Mädchen in der dritten Reihe (commercial, 2007, 00:01:20)
    by Stephan Bergmann
    Zeitriss (experimental film, 2009, 00:11:00)
    by Quimu Casalprim i Suárez
    A Day and a Eternity (documentary, 2009, 00:25:00)
    by Anna Hepp
    Graffito (feature film, 2009, 00:14:45)
    by Rami Hamze
    Radioplay - the film (feature film, 2009, 00:21:00)
    by Heineking, jr.
    Wanna be (feature film, 2009, 00:32:00)
    by Christina Ebelt
    Humble Pie (animation film, 2009, 00:04:26)
    by Marcus Zilz
    Allein der Gedanke (feature film, 2010, 00:24:00)
    by Alexander Kluth
    dokumentART, Europäisches Dokumentarfilmfestival Neubrandenburg / Stettin 2010 (08.10.2010 - 13.10.2010)
    Radioplay - the film (feature film, 2009, 00:21:00)
    by Heineking, jr.
    Holding Still (documentary, 2010, 00:26:35)
    by Florian Riegel
    backup_festival für experimentelle studentische Kurzfilme Weimar 2011 (05.05.2011 - 08.05.2011)
    Nekropolis (animation film, 2010, 00:02:36)
    by Kerstin Gramberg
    Growth (documentary, 2011, 00:23:12)
    by Florian Heinzen-Ziob
    Radioplay - the film (feature film, 2009, 00:21:00)
    by Heineking, jr.
    Bunter Hund - Internationales Kurzfilmfestival München 2011 (13.10.2011 - 16.10.2011)
    The Contenders (feature film, 2009, 00:07:48)
    by Heineking, jr.
    Spendensucht (feature film, 2008, 00:18:38)
    by Heineking, jr.
    Radioplay - the film (feature film, 2009, 00:21:00)
    by Heineking, jr.
    KHM Jahresausstellung 2009 (16.07.2009 - 19.07.2009)
    Leavenworth, WA (documentary, 2008, 00:29:00)
    by Hannes Lang
    Was es ist (feature film, 2009, 00:45:00)
    by Kaija Helweg
    Polar (feature film, 2009, 00:30:00)
    by Michael Koch
    Radioplay - the film (feature film, 2009, 00:21:00)
    by Heineking, jr.
    Narben im Beton (feature film, 2009, 00:30:00)
    by Juliane Engelmann
    Driving Élodie (feature film, 2009, 00:17:45)
    by Lars Henning
    2012 (feature film, 2008, 00:30:00)
    by Marcus Overbeck
    Bes (feature film, 2008, 00:17:00)
    by Daniela Roos
    KHM Showcase 2009 (07.10.2009 - 08.10.2009)
    Der Rote Käfer (feature film, 2007, 00:16:00)
    by Nazgol Majlessi
    Radioplay - the film (feature film, 2009, 00:21:00)
    by Heineking, jr.
    Narben im Beton (feature film, 2009, 00:30:00)
    by Juliane Engelmann
    Driving Élodie (feature film, 2009, 00:17:45)
    by Lars Henning
    Wanna be (feature film, 2009, 00:32:00)
    by Christina Ebelt
    Humble Pie (animation film, 2009, 00:04:26)
    by Marcus Zilz
    Glasfasern (feature film, 2010, 00:29:40)
    by Alexandra Schröder
    Domino Effect (feature film, 2010, 00:27:56)
    by Gabriel Gauchet
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