Artistic work students

35 Jahre Kunsthochschule für Medien Köln
Prof. Sophie Maintigneux
Solveig Klaßen
Project type: Seminarprojekt
A production of the Academy of Media Arts Cologne.
Archiv Kunsthochschule für Medien Köln
Copyright: KHM / Autoren
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Una Mitología Placentera

  • Jule Katinka Cramer
  • Lara Zurdezas
English title: A Mythology of Pleasure
Year: 2018
Length: 00:05:56
Categories: Film / TV / Video, commercial, documentary
Project type: Seminarprojekt
A group of women has started a revolution. Their Gods and Goddesses gave them the tools to take it upon themselves to turn the world into a place of joy for all. ""A Mythology of Pleasure"" is a short documentary film. Shot in the BS Atelier in Valencia in 2016, It is a portrait of the workshop in which these women design, manufacture and package the sex toys that they successfully sell around the world. „Really, there used to be a lot more action back then! And even more before that. And at the beginning of time? One dares not imagine what was happening then. Filmmaker Lara Rodríguez Cruz and her camerawoman and co-writer Jule Katinka Cramer have imagined it anyway, and done so in the brightest colours and finest words. It’s a matter of speculation whether our Lord Almighty, had he known how much fun his heathen ancestors had at work, would have been just a tiny bit envious.“ Ralph Eue (Dok-Leipzig 2018)
Konzept: Lara Rodríguez Cruz, Jule Katinka Cramer, ORGIA
Regie: Lara Rodríguez Cruz
Bildgestaltung: Jule Katinka Cramer
Protagonistinnen: Beatriz Higón, Patricia Aragón, Nuria Faba
Montage: Arturo Peña
Sounddesign: Paul Große-Schönepauck
Musik: Lennart Saathoff
Horus y Apep [funerary belt for petite mort] von ORGIA
Farbkorrektur: Fabiana Cardalda
Produzentin: Lara Rodríguez Cruz
Produktion: Kunsthochschule für Medien Köln mit Unterstützung der Universidad Miguel Hernández
Prof. Sophie Maintigneux, Solveig Klaßen
  • Jule Katinka Cramer
  • Lara Zurdezas
A production of the Academy of Media Arts Cologne.
Archiv Kunsthochschule für Medien Köln
Copyright: KHM / Autoren
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