Artistic work students

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Prof. Thomas Schmitt
Prof. Dietrich Leder Prof. Matthias Müller
Project type: Diplom
A production of the Academy of Media Arts Cologne.
External cooperation:
Gefördert von der Filmstiftung NRW
Archiv Kunsthochschule für Medien Köln
Copyright: KHM / Autoren

Holding Still

  • Florian Riegel
Year: 2010
Length: 00:26:35
Categories: Film / TV / Video, documentary
Project type: Diplom
Although Janis has been living in Seaside for 20 years and most people know her name, she describes herself as an ‘invisible person’ - she lives there, but doesn’t really participate in day-to-day community life. Janis was involved in a tragic accident at the age of 22, which left her paralyzed. Since then she has rarely left her bed - a fact that she herself can barely explain. Rather than using a wheelchair to get around Seaside or her own house, she lies in bed and observes the world through a surveillance camera connected to her laptop. Through the camera, Janis can observe everything that would otherwise remain hidden to her: her living room, her kitchen and especially life outside her front door. Since Janis can’t be part of the world around her, she brings a piece of that world into her own little kingdom. The film gives an insight into Janis Sawyer’s universe, depicting Seaside, the location of the film „The Truman Show“, through the eyes of one of its only permanent residents.
Buch, Regie und Montage: Florian Riegel
Kamera: Luciano Cervio
Ton: Ilja Stahl
Sounddesign: Tilman Hopf
Tonmischung: Ralf Schipke
Farbkorrektur: Florian Stärk
Musik: Set Fire to Flames / PC und Sebastian Borowski
Prof. Thomas Schmitt, Prof. Dietrich Leder Prof. Matthias Müller
  • Florian Riegel
A production of the Academy of Media Arts Cologne.
External cooperation:
Gefördert von der Filmstiftung NRW
Archiv Kunsthochschule für Medien Köln
Copyright: KHM / Autoren



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