5 day(300km) bicycle tour along the route of expulsion of my gradmother after the second world war. From Brennik (PL) over Ceska Lipa (CZ) to Niederwiesa (DT). A photo of the Google maps route is projected onto my décolleté presented as a light box.
Idee und Realisation: Vera Drebusch Mitarbeit: Urs Fries, Martin Nawrath, Bernd Voss, Heiko Diekmann
Prof. Ute Hörner, Christian Sievers
Vera Drebusch
A production of the Academy of Media Arts Cologne.
Werkleitz Festival, I know, you know – Ein audiovisueller Dialog, Halle (Saale), 2015 (09.10.2015 - 25.10.2015) Brain Drain (video installation, 2015, 01:30:00) by Lara Zurdezas Expanding Simplicity (installation, 2015, 01:04:25) by Wonbaek Shin Route (photographic installation, 2015) by Vera Drebusch
Kunststudentinnen und Kunststudenten stellen aus, Bundeskunsthalle Bonn, 2015 (01.01.2015) Preservation (installation, 2012) by Vera Drebusch Route (photographic installation, 2015) by Vera Drebusch